


- مهرابیان، فردین (1389) جمعیت شناسی و تنظیم خانواده. کتاب ارجمند .

- مهرابیان، فردین  (1390) داستانهای کوتاه اخلاقی و مدیریتی. انتشارات دهسرا.

 - کسمایی، پریسا (1392) مثل مروارید.انتشارات مدرسه (وزارت آموزش و پرورش).


فعالیتهای پژوهشی

طرحهای پژوهشی مصوب

دکتر پریسا کسمایی:

1-  Elnaz Ashrafi, Parisa Kasmaei (Corresponding author), Fardin Mehrabian, Saeed Omidi,Iraj Zareban, Katayun Haryalchi, Hossein izadi, Nooshin Rouhani Tonekaboni. The Effect of Educational Program Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on HIV Prevention Skills. HIV & AIDS Review. Acceptance.


2-  Esmaeil Fattahi, Mahnaz Solhi, Jaffar Abbas, Parisa Kasmaei, Sedighe Rastaghi, Mahnaz Pouresmaeil, Arash Ziapour, Hadi Darvishi Gilan. Prioritization of needs among students of University of Medical Sciences: A needs assessment. Journal of Education and Health Promotion (JEHP). Acceptance.


3-   Parisa Kasmaei, Parisa Mirzajanzade, Nooshin Rouhani-Tonekaboni, Asieh Ashouri, Iraj Zareban, Hossein Izadi Rad, Fardin Mehrabian. Self-efficacy and nutritional behaviors in young adolescents: A Model-guided Study. Medical Science 2019; 23(98): 432-40.


4-  Zahra Aghaei Kenari, Parisa Kasmaei (Corresponding author), Nooshin Rouhani-Tonekaboni, Asieh Ashouri, Hossien Izadirad, Azizollah Arbabisarjou , Fatemeh Rezaei. Predictors of puberty health behaviors based on health belief model in 9th grade female students of public schools in Rasht. Drug Invention Today 2019; 12 (7): 1572-9.


5- Elnaz Ashrafi, Parisa Kasmaei, Fardin Mehrabian, Saeed Omidi, Iraj Zareban, Katayun Haryalchi. Predictive factors of behavioral intention in aids prevention in nursing and midwifery students at guilan university of medical sciences. Drug Invention Today 2019; 12 (2): 239-42. 


6-   Fatemeh Rezaei, Parisa Kasmaei (Corresponding author), Fardin Mehrabian, Asieh Ashouri, Iraj Zareban, Azizollah Arbabisarjou, Khadijeh Taheri. The role of health beliefs in breast self-examination behavior in female health workers in Guilan Province. Drug Invention Today 2019; 12 (2): 231-8.


7- Shilan A, Kasmaei P (Corresponding author), Rabiolah F, Shakiba M, Mahdaviroushan M, Zareban I, Mohammadkhah F, Soodmand M. Factors predicting nutritional behaviors related to gastric cancer: A model-guided study. Drug Invention Today 2018; 10 (6): 936-41.


8- Kasmaei P, Rouhani-Tonekaboni N, Ashouri A, Mirzajanzade P, Jahangir Blourchian M, Nasirzadeh M. Correlated Factors with Nutritional Behaviors in Elementary School Students; A Case Study in West of Guilan Province. Health Education & Health Promotion (HEHP) 2018; 6 (3): 117-23.


9- Ghaffari M, Nasiri Esfahani S, Mohammadkhah F, Safari-Moradabadi A, Kasmaei P (Corresponding author). Predictors of breast self-examination based on the health believes model of health workers in Isfahan. Revista Publicando 2018; 5 (15): 336-51.


10- Ashrafi E, Kasmaei P (Corresponding author), Mehrabian F, Omidi S, Haryalchi K. Survey on the Relative Factors to the AIDS Prevention Based on “The Theory of Planned Behavior” in Nursing and Midwifery Students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Health Promotion Management (JHPM) 2016; 6 (2): 35-40. [Text in Persian]


11-Kasmaei P (Corresponding author), Yousefi P, Farmanbar R, Omidi S, Farhadi Hassankiadeh R. A Study on Predictive Power of the Health Belief Model Constructs in Self-Care Behaviors of Patients with Hypertension. Health Education & Health Promotion (HEHP) 2015; 3 (3): 5-13.


12- Mehrabian F, Kasmaie P, Atrkar Roushan Z, Mahdvi-Roshan M, Defaei M. Survey of Factors Affecting Healthy Nutritional Behaviors of Rasht Health Volunteers based on PRECEDE PROCEED Model. Journal of Health 2017; 8 (3): 289-97. [Text in Persian]


13-  Mehrabian F, Kasmaei P, Atrkar Roushan Z, Heidari M, Khalili Rad N. The effect of stress management education on firefighters’ stress in Rasht. Iran Occupational Health 2017; 13 (6): 78-86. [Text in Persian]


14- Porgholmi M, Farmanbar R, Kasmaei P, Omidi S. The Effect of Training Program Based on Health Belief Model Developed by the Fear of Self-Care Behavior and Hba1c Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Iranian Journal of Health Education & Promotion 2017; 5 (1): 65-72. [Text in Persian]


15-  Kahtari M, Farmanbar R, Kasmaei P, Omidi S The effect of the educational intervention on health literacy level in the girl students. Journal of Health Literacy 2017; 2 (3): 187-97. [Text in Persian]


16-  Mehrabian F, Valipour R, Kasmaei P, Atrkar Roshan Z, Mahdavi Roshan M. The effect of education based on BASNEF model on promoting of nutritional behavior to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Holist Nurs Midwifery 2016; 26(1): 89-98. [Text in Persian]


17-  Kasmaei P, Amin Shokravi F, Hidarnia A, Hajizadeh E, Atrkar-Roushan Z, Karimzadeh Shirazi K, Montazeri A. Brushing behavior among young adolescents: does perceived severity matter. BMC Public Health 2014; 14 (8): 2-6.  


18-  Kasmaei P, Amin Shokravi F1, Hidarnia A, Hajizadeh E, Atrkar-Roushan Z. The role of Health Belief Model and Demographic Variables in Tooth Brushing Among 9-10 Years Old Students. International Journal of Medical Students 2014; 2 (Suppl 1). 


19- Kasmaei P, Amin Shokravi F, Hajizadeh E, Atrkar-Roushan Z. Role of Oral Hygiene Beliefs in Regular Brushing among the 9-10 Years Old Female Students. Health Education and Health Promotion (HEHP) 2013; 1 (3): 45-58.


20- Kasmaei P, Amin Shokravi F1, Hidarnia A, Hajizadeh E, Atrkar-Roushan Z. Survey of Predictive Factors on Brushing Behavior According to the Three Main Motivational Constructs Among Female Students of Primary Schools. J of Guilan University of Med Sci 2014; 23 (91): 16-22. [Text in Persian]


21- Karimy M. Shamsi M. Araban M. Gholamnia Z. Kasmai P. Pap Smear Test Structures for Measuring Health Belief Model and Factors Affecting Women in Urban Centers Covered Zarandieh. Qom Univ Med Sci J 2012; 6 (3): 52-9. [Text in Persian]


22- Shamsi M. Karimi M. Araban M. Gholamnia Z. Kasmaie P. Measuring Health Belief Model Constructs in Preventive Behavior about Self-Medication in Pregnant Women in Arak City. Qom Univ Med Sci J 2011; 5 (3): 64-70. [Text in Persian]


23- Karimy M. Shamsi M. Araban M. Gholamnia Z. Kasmai P. Health Beliefs and Performance Regarding Pap Smear Test in Zarandieh City Women's. J of Guilan University of Med Sci 2011; 20 (80): 42-48. [Text in Persian]


24-  Kasmaei P, Bab eghbal S, Atrkare Roshan Z, Estebsari F, Mehrabian F, Karimi M. The Effect of Health Belief Model on Rural WOMEN'S PAP smear test. J Urmia Nurs Midwifery Fac 2014; 12 (5): 401-8. [Text in Persian]


25- Mehrabian F, Valipour R, Kasmaei P, Atrkar Roshan Z, Mahdavi Roshan M. Survey status and nutritional behavior to prevention of iron deficiency anemia among high school girls in Babol city. J Urmia Nurs Midwifery Fac 2014; 11 (12): 1015-23. [Text in Persian]


26-  Kasmaei P, Atrkar-Roushan Z, Majlesi F, Joker F. Mothers’ knowledge about acute rheumatic fever. Paediatric nursing 2008; 20 (9): 32-34.


27-  Kasmaei P, Atrkar Roshan Z. Study of Prevalence and Some Correlative Factors with Unwanted Pregnancies. J of Guilan University of Med Sci 2013; 12 (48): 61-66. [Text in Persian].



دکتر نوشین روحانی:


1. Kenari Z.A, Kasmaei P, Rouhani-Tonekaboni N, Ashouri A, Izadirad H ,Arbabisarjou A, Rezaei F. Predictors of puberty health behaviors based on health belief model in 9 grade female students of public schools in Rasht. Drug Invention Today. 2019; 12(7): 1572-1579.

2. Tahereh Kamalikhah, Fatemeh Rahmati-Najarkolaei, Nooshin Rouhani-Tonekaboni, Leila Sabzmakan, Hassan Okati-Aliabad, Farid Rezaei Moghadam. Education of teacher with chronic low back pain. based on integrative model. Health Scope. 2019; 8(3):e82753.

3. Kasmaei, P; Mirzajanzade, P; Rouhani-Tonekaboni, N; Ashouri, A; Zareban, I; Rad, HI; Mehrabian, F. Self-efficacy and nutritional behaviors in young adolescents: A Model-guided Study. Medical Science. 2019; 23(98): 432-440.

4.         Kamalikhah T, Najarkolaei FR, Sabzmakan L, Tonekaboni NR. Kirkpatrick Evaluation of Theory-Based Educational Program for Low Back Pain Management in Teachers. Trauma Monthly. 2017 ;22(5): e35976.

5.         Mahmoodabad SSM, Tonekaboni NR, Farmanbar R, Fallahzadeh H, Kamalikhah T. The effect of motivational interviewing-based intervention using self-determination theory on promotion of physical activity among women in reproductive age: a randomized clinical trial. Electronic physician. 2017;9(5):44-61.

6. N Rouhani-Tonekaboni, Seyedi-Andi SJ, M Haghi. Factors Affecting Fast Food Consumption Behaviors of Female Students in North of Iran: Application of Theory of Planned Behavior. Caspian J Health Res. 2018; 3(3), 75-79. 

7. P Kasmaei, N Rouhani-Tonekaboni, A Ashouri, P Mirzajanzade, M Nasirzade, M Jahangir Blourchian. Correlated Factors with Nutritional Behaviors in Elementary School Students; A Case Study in West of Guilan Province. Health Education and Health Promotion. 2018; 6(3), 117-123.

8. Baghianimoghadam Mohammad Hosein, Rouhani Tonkaboni Nooshin, Haghi Mahdi, Baghianimoghadam Malek Naz, Ardian Nahid. Predictive factors of consumption of fast food in Yazd city high school girls based on the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Health& Life Sciences. 2016; 2(1), 21-26.  

9.         Morowatisharifabad MA, Rouhani Tonekaboni N. Diabetes self-care determinants model of diabetic patients referred to yazd diabetes research center. DANESHVAR MEDICINE. 2009 16(81), 29-36.

10.        Morowatisharifabad MA, Baghianimoghadam M, Rouhani Tonekaboni N. Relationships between Locus of Control and Adherence to Diabetes Regimen. J Res Health Sci. 2009;9(1):37-44  .


دکتر فتانه بخشی:


1-  Bakhshi F, Mokhtari N, JAFROODI S, Abbasi M, Atrkar RZ. Survey influencing factors on prenatal care in referring maternal to health care centers in Rasht City. 2012;19(62)

2-  Banan R, Jalali MM, Heidarzadeh A, Mehrdad SM, Mazgi RRS, Bakhshi F. Effect of dyslipidemia on noise induced hearing loss. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2012;18(92).

3-Banan R, Nemati S, Alizadeh A, Kazemnezhad E, Kerdari H, Bakhshi F, et al. Sonographic evaluation of nasal tip skin stickness among patients undergoing rhinoplasty with or without defatting. JQUMS; 2012.

4- Nemati S, Banan R, Kazem Nezhad E, Movahedi H, Bakhshi F, Taravat F. Evaluation of post-tracheostomy care status in hospitals of rasht. Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. 2013;22(86):32-9.

5- Nemati S, Jalali M, Kazemnejad E, Bakhshi F, Farrokhpey H. Association Between Dizziness and Rhinoplasty. Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. 2014;23(90):59-63.

6- Alizadeh Y, Khoshbakht Pishkhani M, Kazemnezhad Leily E, Khoshrang H, Behboudi H, Mohammadi M, et al. Factors associated with medical students tendency to choose a medical specialty. Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. 2014;23(89):29-36.


8- Akhoondi M, Afkar A, Bakhshi F. Factors associated with physical activity in ringleaders of righteous of guilan medical society basij organization: Applying the transtheoretical model. Journal of Military Medicine. 2017;19(1):422-9.

9- Bakhshi F, Shojaeizadeh D, Sadeghi R, Taghdisi MH, Nedjat S. The relationship between individual empowerment and health-promoting lifestyle among women NGOs in northern Iran. Electronic physician. 2017;9(2):3690.

10- Bakhshi F, Shojaeizadeh D, Sadeghi R, Nedjat S, Taghdisi MH, Laverack G. Psychological empowerment of NGO women in Iran: Designing a tool. Electronic physician. 2017;9(9):5270.

11- Bakhshi F, Yektaee T, Hajimiri K, Inanlou M. The Efficacy of Group-Based Logotherapy on Hope of Life in HIV Patients in North of Iran. Caspian Journal of Health Research. 2019;4(1):16-20.

12Estebsari F, Bakhshi F, Nemati S, Kazemnejad Leili E, Ramezani H, Sadeghi R. Determinants of Health Promoting Lifestyle Behaviors in Hospital Staff of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Health Education and Health Promotion. 2019;7(2):1-6.

 دکتر فردین مهرابیان:

1- Social Consequences of Infertility on Families in Iran Global Journal of Health Science;  (pubmedNo 5 Mohammad Amiri1, Ahmad Khosravi2, Reza Chaman3, Zakieh Sadeghi4, Mehdi Raei5,MohammadAli Jahanitiji6 & Fardin Mehrabian7

2- Relationship between patient safety and nurses teamwork in ICU,CCU and operating rooms in health centers of rasht in 2013 Journal of Biology and Todays world (pubmed Fardin Mehrabiansaid asef zadeh-shila kianmehr-ahmad nikpy

3-  The Role of organization and ethical values in reducing occupational stress in the viewof directors and deans of guilan university of medical Journal of Biology and Todays world(pubmed

 Fardin Mehrabian-sakineh keshavarz mohamadian-parvin ebrahimi

4- Determining the Impression and Risk of SMEs in Developing Financial Constant Accepted Companies in Tehran Money Exchange International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Ali Akbari- Fardin Mehrabian

5- The relation between technologic integrity and customers satisfaction in GUilan Asia insurance co.) Journal of  Science and Today's World Fardin Mehrabian-Ebrahim Pooralizadeh

6- Effective Factors on the Development of Life Insurance in Guilan Provinc International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Managemente Fardin Mehrabian – Nehzat Ansari

7-  Health care personels acceptance of clinical information systems in teaching hospitals of rasht in 2014 Fardin Mehrabian-ali haghshenas

8-  Factors Affecting Intensive Care Units Nursing Workload Mohhamad karim Bahadori-Ramin Ravangard-Mehdi Radabadi-Seyed masoud

9-  Factors Enhancing manpower Effeciency from theviewpoint of clinical and non clinical faculty members at Guilan University of Journals.kums.ac.ir/ojs-2012 ISC Fardin Mehrabian, Rabi Farmanbar, Sakineh Keshavarz Mohamadian

10- Medical expenexpenses of patients with favism admitted to 17th shahrivar hospital compared to G6PD ENZYME DCREENING COST,in north Iranian Journal of Pediatric hematology pubmed Darbandi-B-Noghabaei M- Mehrabian F-Jafroodi M

11- Prioritization of Factors Influencing Job Motivation in Employees of a Military Center Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Iranian Journal of Military Medicine Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2013; 263 – 272 Bahadori M.1 PhD, Babaei M.1* MSc, Mehrabian F.2 PhD

12- Prioritization of Factors Influencing Job Motivation in Employees of a Military Center Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Iranian Journal of Military Medicine Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2013; 263 – 272 Bahadori M.1 PhD, Babaei M.1* MSc, Mehrabian F.2 PhD

13- Characteristics of the capable Teacher from the viewpoint of the students at faculty of health Guilan University of Medical sciences Journals.kums.ac.ir Fardin Mehrabian-Zeanab Krimi- Zeanab Dadashkhah-Afsaneh Rafi zadeh-Katayoon Salemi-

14- Effective factors in logical drug consumption in the perspective of pharmacists andphysicians of rasht Journal of Biology and Todays world Sedighe Mirzajani –Frdin Mehrabian

15- Priority of Determinants Influencing the Behavior of Purchasing the Capital Medical Equipments using AHP Model World Journal of Medical Sciences 7(3): 131-136,2012 Mohammadkarim Bahadori, Jamil Sadeghifar, Ramin Ravangard, Mohammad Salimi,Fardin

16- Assessment of the preparedness level of Administrator and state hospitals of guilan against life science journal 2013-10(2s) Abolhasan afkar-fardin mehrabian-mehdi shams

17- Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction among the Faculty Members at Guilan University of Medical Sciences Journals.kums.ac.ir/ojs, 2013; 2(1) Fardin Mehrabian, Elham Niroumand, Sakineh Keshavarz Mohamadian, Dariush Naghipour

18- Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Sepah Bank Staff's Quotients in Western Mazandaran during 2012 Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research - AUG 2012 mehran Mokhtari, Fardin Mehrabian, Mohammadreza Mehrabian

19-  Drug abuse pattern and frequency of high risk behaviors the clients to out patient ….. Journal of Biology and Todays world mehran Mokhtari, Fardin Mehrabian, Mohammadreza Mehrabian

20- Predicting manpower productivity promotion factors in Guilan University of Medical Sciences using Structural Equation Modeling Journal of American Sciences, 2011;7(3) , Fardin Mehrabian

21- Devising an Instrument to asses Human resources Productivity in an Iranian context Journal of

22- Devising an Instrument to asses Human resources Productivity in an Iranian context

23- American Sciences, 2011;7(2) Amir Ashkan nasiripour, , Fardin Mehrabian,Pouran Risi Journal of Devising an Instrument to asses Human resources Productivity in an Iranian context.


دکتر ابوالحسن افکار:


1-  Effect of exercise therapy on quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis in Iran: a systematic review and meta--analysis     (Neurol Sci )  

2- Pros and cons of the health transformation program in Iran: evidence from financial outcomes at the household level (Epidemiology and Health)

3 - Risk Factors of Road Traffic Accidents Associated Mortality in Northern Iran; A Single Center Experience Utilizing Oaxaca Blinder Decomposition(Bull Emerg Trauma)

4- Measurement of Factors Influencing the Relapse of Addiction: A Factor Analysis(High Risk Behav Addict)

5 - Association Of Toxic Microbial And Chemical Water Quality Of Hemodialysis Instruments During 2016(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin)

6-Studying organizational health dimensions in Shiraz Medical University’s management domain(International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR))

7- Does Economic Instability Affect Healthcare Provision? Evidence Based on the Urban Family Physician Program in Iran(Korean J Fam Med)

8- A health risk assessment of heavy metals in people consuming Sohan in Qom, Iran(Toxin Reviews)

9- Estimating Relationship between Type of Disability and Labor Force Participation:A Community Based Study in Iran(Gazi medical journal)

10-The relationship between knowledge of leadership and knowledge management practices in the food industry in Kurdistan(Data in Brief)

11- Trend of Hospital Performance in  Northern Iran: A 5-year Assessment Using Pabon Lasso Model(: International Journal of Hospital Research)

12-Predicting Physical Activity Behavior among ICU Nurses based on a Transtheoretical Model Using Path Analysis(Health Education and Health Promotion (HEHP))

13- Effect of Theory-Based Individual Counseling on Physical Activity and Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Quasi-Experimental Study(Iran Red Crescent Med J.)

14- The effects of intervention based on the trans-theoretical model on physical activity and metabolic control of diabetic women(Gazi medical journal).


دکتر سعید دعایی:

 1. Doaei S, Kalantari N, Gholamalizadeh M, Rashidkhani B. Validating and Investigating Reliability of Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire. ZJRMS. 2013; 15 (3) :42-45

2. Abbasi B, Kimiagar S M, Mohammad-Shirazi M, Sadeghniiat K, Rashidkhani B, Karimi N et al. Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Physical Activity of Overweight or Obese Insomniac Elderly Subjects: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. ZJRMS. 2013; 15 (3) :14-19

3. Gholamalizadeh M, Doaei S, Kalantari N, Rashidkhani B. Association between Social and Demographic Factors with Feeding Methods in 3-6-Years-Old Children. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2013 Mar 1;15(3):51-4.

4. Gholamalizadeh M, Entezari MH, Paknahad Z, Hassanzadeh A, Doaei S. The study of association between mother weight efficacy life-style with feeding practices, food groups intake and body mass index in children aged 3-6 years. International journal of preventive medicine. 2014 Jan;5(1):21.

5. Doaei S, Gholamalizadeh M. The association of genetic variations with sensitivity of blood pressure to dietary salt: A narrative literature review. ARYA atherosclerosis. 2014 May;10(3):169.

6. Kalantari N, Doaei S. Study of the association of socio-demographic factors and feeding practices with the dietary intake in 3-6years old children. Journal of Pediatric Sciences. 2014;6.

7. Doaei S, Gholamalizadeh M, Entezari MH. Maternal self-efficacy and feeding practices in children aged 3-6 years. Iranian journal of psychiatry. 2015 Sep;10(4):278.

8. Daniali SS, Bakhtiari MH, Nasirzadeh M, Aligol M, Doaei S. Knowledge, risk perception, and behavioral intention about hepatitis C, among university students. Journal of education and health promotion. 2015;4.

9. Kalantari N, Doaei S, Gordali M, Rahimzadeh G, Gholamalizadeh M. The association between Dairy Intake, Simple Sugars and Body‎ Mass Index with Expression and Extent of Anger in Female‎ Students‎. Iranian journal of psychiatry. 2016 Jan;11(1):43.

10. Kalantari N, Doaei S, Malmir H, Aminifard A, Gholamalizadeh M. The Relationship between TV Viewing and Food Intake and BMI in Preschool Children. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. 2016;14(10):1-9.

11. Mohammadimanesh A, Khosravi HM, Vahidiniya AA, Doaei S, Salehi I, Fayyaz N. The comparative effect of different types of honey on levels of glucose, fructosamine and insulin in Streptozocin-induced diabetes in wistar rats. South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2016;6(1):39-44.
12. Kalantari N, Taghynejad M, Gholamalizadeh M, Doaei S, Oraz N. Effect of Food Insecurity on the HIV Progression among the HIV-infected Patients in Iran.

13. Doaei S, Kalantari N, Mohammadi NK, Tabesh GA, Gholamalizadeh M. Macronutrients and the FTO gene expression in hypothalamus; a systematic review of experimental studies. Indian heart journal. 2017 Mar 1;69(2):277-81.

14. Kalantari N, Doaei S, Keshavarz-Mohammadi N, Gholamalizadeh M, Pazan N. Review of studies on the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene interactions with environmental factors affecting on obesity and its impact on lifestyle interventions. ARYA atherosclerosis. 2016 Nov;12(6):281.

15. Kalantari N, Taghynejad M, Gholamalizadeh M, Torkaman M, Doaei S, Oraz N. FOOD GROUP INTAKE AND CD4 CELL COUNTS IN HIV INFECTED PATIENTS. ACTA MEDICA MEDITERRANEA. 2017 Jan 1;33(1):151-5.

16. Substitution Analysis in Nutrition Sciences; Applications, What to Do or Not: a Tutorial Paper. Asian Pacific Journal of cancer Prevention. 2017.

17. Kalantari N, Malmir H, Doaei S, Gholamalizadeh S, Javadi F, Rashidkhani B, Gorgani SN. Assessing the Validity and Reliability of a Questionnaire on Child Television Watching in Tehran City, Iran. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition. 2017 Jan 1;23(1).

18. Doaei S, Gholamalizadeh M, Jarrahi AM, Badakhanian M, Najafi R. The IRX3 Gene; the Missing Link between the FTO Gene and Obesity. Asian Pac J Cancer Biol. 2016;1(2):25-7.

19. Akbari ME, Gholamalizadeh M, Doaei S, Mirsafa F. FTO gene affects obesity and breast cancer through similar mechanisms: a new insight into the molecular therapeutic targets. Nutrition and cancer. 2018 Jan 2;70(1):30-6.

20. Shidfar F, Bahrololumi SS, Doaei S, Mohammadzadeh A, Gholamalizadeh M, Mohammadimanesh A. The Effects of Extra Virgin Olive Oil on Alanine Aminotransferase, Aspartate Aminotransferase, and Ultrasonographic Indices of Hepatic Steatosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients Undergoing Low Calorie Diet. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2018;2018.

21. Kalantari N, Mohammadi NK, Izadi P, Doaei S, Gholamalizadeh M, Eini-Zinab H, Salonurmi T, Rafieifar S, Janipoor R, Tabesh GA. A haplotype of three SNPs in FTO had a strong association with body composition and BMI in Iranian male adolescents. PloS one. 2018 Apr 20;13(4):e0195589.
22. Kalantari N, Mohammadi NK, Izadi P, Gholamalizadeh M, Doaei S, Eini-Zinab H, Salonurmi T, Rafieifar S, Janipoor R, Tabesh GA. A complete linkage disequilibrium in a haplotype of three SNPs in Fat Mass and Obesity associated (FTO) gene was strongly associated with anthropometric indices after controlling for calorie intake and physical activity. BMC Medical Genetics. 2018 Dec;19(1):146.

23. Gholamalizadeh M, Doaei S, Akbari ME, Rezaei S, Jarrahi AM. Influence of Fat Mass-and Obesity-Associated Genotype, Body Mass Index, and Dietary Intake on Effects of Iroquois-related Homeobox 3 Gene on Body Weight. Chinese Medical Journal. 2018 Sep 1;131(17):2112.



آخرین بروز رسانی : 1402/12/01